
Hello, boys! I'm Lana, and I consider myself to be All Teen Stars' hottest girl. I know that sounds arrogant to say, especially since the other models are gorgeous, but I'm in a caliber all my own, as the saying goes. I don't have a shy bone in my body and there's nothing I won't do for the camera. From sucking cock to eating pussy, I really step it up when I know all eyes are on me and I give you a show you won't soon forget. All Teen Stars is packed with over 147 photo sets and 53 videos of me fucking and sucking both guys and girls along with hot solo action of yours truly. Don't miss out on this eye-popping content. Join me inside!

About Me

  • Age: 19 years old Etnicity: Caucasian
  • Hair: Dark Blonde Eyes: Hazel
  • Weight: 107 pounds Height: 5'7 feet
  • Sexual Preference: Bi-Sexual
  • Favorite Colors: fushia and peach
  • Favorite lingerie or clothes: miniskirts and lacey tops
  • Favorite Music: pop music
  • Does your family know what you do? No. They will surely hang me, you know! Lol!

Favorite Toy: Thrusting rabbit - go deeper, rabbit and do your job! Lol!

Favorite sex position: Seated scissors or any position! I actually get wild when I'm horny!

turn-on:Thinking about sex actually turns me on so fast!

Favorite Food: I love fried eggs with lots and lots of ketchup! Who does not love eggs?

Hobbies: I love spending my time with my girlfriends and of course with my boyfriend. We usually go out for a movie and have dinner afterwards, and then...wink!

Top Rated Sets

  • Super sexy in hot pink # Photo Set Update | 2010-06-27
  • Inflated mattress at the beach # Photo Set Update | 2010-07-02
  • Sexiest apron ever # Photo Set Update | 2010-07-07
  • Lana as a sexy student # Photo Set Update | 2010-07-12
  • Lana with a bathroom mirror # Photo Set Update | 2010-07-17

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