
I'm Alli, your average girl-next-door... if she had gigantic boobs! As you can imagine, my giant tits get a lot of attention, especially since they're on such a small frame. I'm a petite, brown-eyed girl who started taking photos as soon as I turned 18 and haven't looked back since. I absolutely love showing off my body and I hope you enjoy everything I have to offer. I'm much more than a naked body, though. I actually consider myself to be a fairly sophisticated girl who loves classical music and fine dining. I'm far from a snob, I'm just an all-American girl who likes being treated with respect. If you can give me that, I may just be yours!

About Me

  • Age: 19 years old Etnicity: Caucasian
  • Hair: Brown Eyes: Dark brown
  • Weight: 99 pounds Height: 5'7 feet
  • Sexual Preference: Bi-Sexual
  • Favorite Colors: purple and green
  • Favorite Clothes: thong with cute lace and ribbons
  • Favorite Music: Instrumental

Favorite sex position: Sex on the counter top or table is my favorite. Why limit sex to the bed when you can do it everywhere in the house on top of the furniture.

Hobbies:I love to dance! During the weekends my friends and I gather for a slumber party and dance the night away!

turn-on:Since I love dancing, the greatest turn on for me would be a guy who knows how to dance. Please, I don't want a guy who has two left feet.

Favorite Food: I really love the spicy stuffs! Chicken, burritos, pasta and tacos. Hot, right?

Sheduled Updates

  • Meet Alli's furry teddy bear # Photo Set Update | 2024-07-27
  • Sharing popsicles with a friend # Photo Set Update | 2024-08-01
  • Alli stripping in the living room # Video Update | 2024-08-06
  • Alli stripping in the kitchen # Photo Set Update | 2024-08-11
  • Alli with no bra underneath # Photo Set Update | 2024-08-16

My Pictures Updates:

My Videos Updates

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