
It may seem unbelievable, but I'm actually quite shy in real life and it took a lot of consideration before I decided to take my clothes off for photos and videos. I wound up deciding that you only live once so I might as well show off my body while it's still halfway decent!

About Me

  • Age: 18 years old Etnicity: Caucasian
  • Hair: Brunette Eyes: Brown
  • Weight: 95 pounds Height: 5'2 feet
  • Sexual Preference: Men, men, men!
  • Favorite Colors: Anything light and pastel.
  • Favorite Clothes: Pastel lingerie and I'm really just a simple jeans and t-shirt kind of girl.
  • Favorite Music: Country, hip-hop, and soul

Favorite sex position: I prefer being on the bottom and letting the man take control.

Hobbies:Sewing, drawing, and cooking.

turn-on:Since I love dancing, the greatest turn on for me would be a guy who knows how to dance. Please, I don't want a guy who has two left feet.

Perfect day: Playing with my dog at the park, relaxing in the sun, dinner and a movie, and a nice, warm bath!

Top Rated Sets

  • Cleaning her room bare naked # Photo Set Update | 2013-12-05
  • Diana with sexy pigtails # Photo Set Update | 2013-11-25
  • Meet Diana's pink Mr. Plushy # Photo Set Update | 2013-11-30
  • Diana all wet in the bath # Photo Set Update | 2013-11-20
  • Sexy Diana in the bath # Photo Set Update | 2013-12-10

My Pictures Updates:

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